We design and make almost EVERYTHING on here in Haworth, Yorkshire.
Summer Wedding Designs!

The weather is warming up (when it wants to!) and so naturally our thoughts are turning to the summer weddings racing up to greet us on our calendars.
Perhaps you've got one or two, or seven coming up this year and are wondering what to buy the happy couple. You may know one or both of them and their tastes very well or you may not quite know what their thing is and so need that all-round, crowd-pleaser of a gift. It may even be your own special day fast approaching and you're looking for some last-minute inspiration.
Ahem, not to mention the rather large royal one the whole country's invited to on the 19th of May. Do you remember the avenue of Maple trees that filled Westminster Abbey at Kate and Will's wedding a few years ago? No doubt this year's lovely royal couple will have some similarly impressive touches but that's Planet Royal Family right?
Us mere mortals will be happy thank you very much with those special touches that our guests will appreciate and remember as uniquely ours. And the touches that celebrate the love that is so special to us and the whole reason we're all there! And without wanting to blow our own trumpets, we here at Modo think we do these special touches, and special gifts, quite well.
Our brand-new Wedding Boho Fringe Hoop!
On a similar dreamy theme, is our Summer Meadow Theme Cake Topper.
And for the important little people involved in the ceremony, why not try our 'They've Promised Me Cake' Wedding Sign? For a real showstopper, there's our Personalised Special Words Backdrop. For those of you looking for the perfect wedding gift, you could try our Bespoke Oak Wedding Day Box.
Come and have a mooch around our wedding section :)